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     Founded in 1989,China General Machine Components Industry Association (CMCA) is a registered national industrial organization having the social entity as a legal person with the approval from the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It is voluntarily formed by the manufacturers, research institutes and related associations in the fasteners, gears, chains transmission, springs, powder metallurgy, and couplings industry. At pre-sent, there are more than 2000 member enterprises, which employ a total of 300,000 people. Their total annual sales volume reached over RMB 206 billions and the export volume amounted to USD more than 7.0 billions.
     Serving the industry is the goal of the Association. The Association also aims at protecting the common interests and legal rights of its members: representing them to communicate with the Government; and developing the machine components industry.
The primary responsibilities of the Association are:
1. To carry out research on the reformation and development of the industry, and to provide suggestions on government policies.
2. To perform research on the market and technological development , and to expand the market size of the industry.
3. To make modifications, establish standards; monitor the quality, and recommend quality new products.
4. To conduct research on the industry, and to construct a website for the exchange of technology and economic information.
5. To publish the magazine “Machinery Transmission & Components” bimonthly.
6. To offer technological consultation, market research, asset evaluation, as well as personnel training courses for local and overseas enterprises.
7. To organize exhibition delegation of the local enterprises to participate in overseas exhibitions, and to invite foreign enterprises to take part in the annual exhibition organized by the Association.
    There are 6 branch associations under the China General Machine Components Industry Association, namely the Fasteners, Gears, Chains Transmission, Springs, Powder Metallurgy and Couplings Sub Association.